Our Story

After several years of working in the public and private sector across different industries, Asimah, our Principal Legal Consultant, founded Eastvilles in 2019 (a legal consultancy), to disrupt the outdated legal services models in the legal industry by providing a more personalised and commercial outcome based legal service.

Our Mission

Eastvilles is a legal consultancy that provides legal services to businesses in the UK and internationally. We use modern working practices to allow us to be more productive, efficient and offer value. Eastvilles can advise clients anywhere in the UK. We can travel to your offices, meet you at a central location or discuss matters remotely (via phone/email/video conferencing). Eastvilles aims to change the way you think about law by using a human approach for delivering legal services. We provide legal services in a Personal, Pragmatic and Precise manner. We believe strongly in honesty, integrity and transparency in all our work.
About Eastvilles Law

Data Privacy and Commercial Law

As a business you will want Eastvilles to undertake all your data privacy needs – we can audit your current systems, draft bespoke policies, deliver training and draft data processing agreements.

You will also want Eastvilles to undertake all your commercial law needs, we tailor make our contracts to suit each business and the goods or services they provide, as all goods and services bring with them different risks and we aim to manage that risk in the best way possible. We are the best at negotiating contracts that will add value to your business but be comprehensible for any other business or client.

Our bespoke contracts, terms and conditions documents and other legal documents will protect your business at the highest level and ensure the security of your business is watertight.

Our experience in criminal and civil litigation as well as Human Rights work means we are the best company to help any business set up new policies and procedures for their business such as bribery, code of conduct and modern slavery. Our extensive range of experience is something all businesses want to tap into. Something Asimah, our Principal Legal Consultant, realised and helped local councils, universities and businesses do was to connect them with their clients and customers – often businesses when providing legal contracts, terms and conditions and policies either lose clients or confuse them; Asimah bridges the gap between the essential need of such documents and giving clients the clarity they need when dealing with a business.

Eastvilles provides its Services in a variety of forms whether that be inhouse legal support packages or remote legal services.

About Eastvilles Law Consultancy

International Work

Our data privacy and commercial law services are open to businesses globally- we want everyone to be able to tap into our knowledge, expertise and friendly yet dynamic approach.

Our extensive breadth of experience and skills makes us the perfect intermediary to help you as a business to connect with consumers and other businesses worldwide. As we have extensive links globally, we help create secure links between businesses and we ensure that the connection adds value to your company in more ways than one.

You may need to connect with a business for legal services or other services, goods or for collaborations- we can help you to do this in the most valuable, efficient and secure way possible. We believe strongly in honesty, integrity and transparency and in order to avoid any conflict of interest, we will never charge introduction fees for connecting businesses, but we will charge you for any work undertaken on your behalf.